Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I Stink at Making Titles...

Why am I so bad with titles???? obviously, you can tell im not too good with them by looking at the titles of my previous blogs. WOAH  I CAN WRITE IN DIFFERENT COLORS!!!!! Sorry, got distracted there. anyways, title. Its not just blogs. I can write a great awesome amazing poem in English (not to brag) but then i cant think of a good title. its so annoying!! Or I will write song lyrics, and come up with some lame title. Its so agrivating :( And Simon, who probably doesnt even read my blog, always has these amazingly clever and funny titles for his blog. stupid Simon. :P

So now I guess I have to think of something else to write about. I can tell this is gonna be just like very diary I've ever had. I have about 20 diarys with like 3 entries. Because I always say I'm gonna start to write everyday, then I give up x) I really dont have an interesting enough life to have something to write about all the time. So I guess I'm just gonna list a bunch of random facts about me now.

  1. I have an Astigmatism in my left eye
  2. It took me way longer than it should have to figure out which side was my left or right when typing the last fact.
  3. I'm really good at math
  4. right now, I am only taking 3 core classes, and 4 electives at school. I dont have to take a history, so I'm taking Honors Chem, Honors English, and Honors Year 3 Math. Then for electives I'm taking 2 choirs, theater, and dance.
  5. I REALLYREALLYREALLY wish I could dance. I think dance is really beautiful and whenever I just dance when no one is watching is such a great feeling of release and expressing myself. i wish I had the skill to do like real dancing, not uncoordinated bedroom dancing.
  6. I know I look really white, but I'm actually 1/4 Indian on my mom's side. thats like asia indian, not like native american indian.
  7. I have been a very high soprano all my life, but now my voice is deepening and I cant really hit the high notes anymore. this doesnt sound bad, but it kind of is. I could probably switch to Alto in choir, but I'm also in Treblemakers, which is a women's barbershop group and I'm the highest part in there too. there is a very precise balance to how many people are in each part, and I can't really switch parts. I havent told Mama Lyford (my choir teacher) about this yet :/ I'm really nervous about this.
  8. I'm in APAC, the advanced theater class at my school. I LOVE theater and acting, but I honestly dont think I'm very good at it, and I dont think the people in that class like me very much :(
  9. I own over 100 colors of nail polish
  10. I own over 100 colors of eyeshadow
  11. I know all the Jelly Belly flavors by appearance.
  12. I hate Cola. It tastes like mold
  13. I have really screwed up knees and legs. like they are all bendy and not straight.
  14. Sometimes I do this weird curved arabesque thing that looks really graceful, but its really just a good way to crack my back.
  15. Anthem by Ayn Rand is one of my all time favorite books. normally i hate school assigned books, but that one is just amazing.
  16. i make really cool Duct tape wallets with lots of card slots, and even a clear slot for your ID. I have lots of colors of duct tape. anyone want one? :)
  17. hanging on the wall around my bed are a bunch of playbills and sheet music and just anything of that sort. I like to fall asleep surrounded by what I love.
  18. I am agnostic, not Atheist. Atheists truly believe that there is no God, while agnostics are just not sure, as they have no solid evidence of anything. I am a very logical person, and I just cant bring myself to believe in something I cant prove and have no evidence of. I wish I could. I have a lot of admiration for people who can put all their faith in something like that.
  19. Currently, my favorite movie is Mr. Holland's Opus. It isnt very popular, so if you havent seen it, you should go rent it now. its REALLY good.
  20. Smoking really disgusts me. like it makes me want to gag.
  21. I hate when people hate on celebrities. Even if what they are saying is true, you could be nicer about it. Like I hate the way kristen stewart acts, but you dont have to be total douchebags about it! Just say that you personally dont like their work. Dont bash them personally! they are people too.
  22. I am a natural blonde. It seems obvious, but some people seem to think i'm not
  23. I am a HORRIBLE speller. thank god for spell check
  24. I am missing the "s" and "up arrow" keys on my keyboard and it is making me mad right now
  25. Guys with green eyes= HOT
  26. I develop crushes really easily. I've had a crush on SOOOOOOOO many guys its stupid. but most of the time it doesnt last long.
  27. I'm really quiet unless I'm around I feel really comfortable with. Then I can be pretty loud, but I'm still a very introverted person. Unless I've had sugar.  then you might need earplugs
  28. I have the ugliest pinky toe nails in the world. they are like weirdly curved, and just...ew.
  29. I love Miley Cyrus, Demi Lovato, and High School Musical. But not in that obbsesive screaming fangirl way. i just enjoy their music/storyline.
  30. I have never been on an airplane
  31. I like the brown m&ms because when i was little I was convinced they were chocolate flavored. i'm still convinced they are better than the other ones.
  32. I can't think of anymore facts x)

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