Friday, August 13, 2010

Excercizing my fingers?

so interesting story, apparently a good percentage of the population often tries to spell "exercise" as "excercize". well at least a good percentage of the people in my zero hour. We had a whole discussion about it in class. sure, we were supposed to be looking for archetypes in disneys version of pocahontas, but whatever :)

speaking of my zero hour, i have english. now i have a few things to say about english teachers. I HATE how they see the need to talk like snobby bitches (sorry to my younger readers. lol) when they give assignments. like they can be cool the rest of the time, but when it comes to giving an assignment, they just say that you have to do this exactly my way because im always right and i dont want to hear about it and no complaining kthxbye. and the rules they put on it is usually stupidly illogical and strict. like they are just trying to come up with ways to establish that they are all powerful. ugh, that just pisses me off so much. and its not just the rules, its that tone of voice they use. it makes me want to punch stuff. like seriously. i feel like im saying "like" a lot. sorry.

Another thing that pisses me off when teachers do it is when they give like a pretest and say something like "i know you are going to fail this, i expect you to fail this since it is your first one" but then they count it in the grade book. its like, are you TRYING to make us all fail? you havent taught us this, why should it go in the gradebook??? sigh, enough ranting about teachers, on to another super random subject.

well its friday the 13th. oooo scary. not really. in fact i had a pretty good day, better than most of the week. and i acctually accomplished a lot in dance today. i held my eleve for more than .0000004 seconds. lol acctually i hel it for like a good 30 seconds :) and my cambre was pretty epic if i may say so myself.

My math teacher is vietnamese, and has a pretty strong accent, and sometimes just messes up words. like instead of saying two thirds, she says two turds. everybody always laughs, which makes the maturity level in the classroom drop about 10 points, but whatever. anyways, today "phantom of the Opera" was in one of the word problems, but she said "Phantom of the Oprah" i almost died laughing. i really want to make like ashort film about some creepy masked figure seducing Oprah now. that would be awesome.

So i think i will talk about bookends now. So Bookends is something that we do in the theater class I am in. we take childrens stories, then we adapt them into scripts and make little mini performances out of them. then we go to all the elementry schools in town and peform them. its really cute, and its coming along really well. there is just one thing that has been really frutrating for me. one of my characters is supposed to have a sort of gravely voice. i cant for the life of me do that. idk why, i just cant. so i have no idea what im doing for the voice of that character. it is making me soooooo frustrated!! sigh.

i would like to announce that right now i am reading Miles to Go, which is Miley Cyrus's autobiography. i am reading it and i dont care what you think!!! its really good and funny, and I LOVE MILEY CYRUS!!! :D

Well thats all the random topics i have for you today, see you sometime.

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